Under the brand LegiX, Priberam provides a powerful system to find both primary and secondary legal authority in the portuguese and european jurisdictions.
Market Leader
Combining Priberam’s state-of-the-art content enrichment, search and exploration technologies with a professional legal editorial team, LegiX is the legal research system used in the largest law firms operating in Portugal, the government, the public administration, the courts and the legal departments of large corporations.
Find the most relevant information for each legal issue with Priberam’s semantic search engine. Ask what you’re looking for in natural language and get instant results.
Superior Legal Content
Rely on primary and secondary legal content updated daily from tens of authoritative sources that is curated and annotated by a team of attorneys. Browse through the history of the law and get links to court decisions.
Keep Updated
Create alerts for any subject, law or court decision to be immediately informed whenever any new legal content is published.
Easily access all this content from anywhere with your smartphone or tablet. Access all the information, wherever you are!
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