

AI-powered horizon scanning and technology intelligence

A real-time crosslingual content monitoring platform which delivers actionable insights beyond human-scale.

Semantic content selection

Powerful natural language understanding components dig deep into the meaning of streams to optimize content filtering

Crosslingual processing

Ingests, aggregates, categorizes and summarizes content from all over the world across multiple languages

Human-AI collaboration

The platform learns as you go: manual curation of specific topics is fed back into the platform to enhance future suggestions

real time

A high performance distributed architecture processes massive amounts of data streams allowing near real time access to actionable insights

The development of this demonstrator is supported by Lisbon Regional Operational Programme (Lisboa 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), within project INSIGHT (33869), within the call AAC nº 05/SI/2017.


This demonstrator is intended to validate the significant improvement of the technology intelligence processes by using natural language processing and machine learning technologies developed by Priberam in two previous R&D projects, and by creating a platform that will gather, aggregate, classify, analyze, summarize and visualize a vast set of non-structured data. The demonstrator will be validated from a technological and industrial point of view, with the purpose of commercial use in the aeronautical industry sector, by Embraer. The aeronautical industry is an excellent use case as it covers a diversity of technological areas: Structures and Materials, Propulsive Power (engine, fuel, energy, etc.), Operations and Infrastructure (airports), Safety and Security, Environment (external noise, emissions, etc.), Navigation, Flight (aerodynamics, external configuration, etc.) and Data and Energy Transmission. For Embraer, the development of more competitive products (because they consume less fuel or are more comfortable for the passengers, for example) or businesses (by reducing the development cycle, for instance) are two goals of the technology intelligence activity.
Project sheet

Project name | INSIGHT – Horizon scanning and technology intelligence

Project code | LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER-033869

Main goal | Reinforce the research, technological devolopment and the innovation

Region | Lisbon

Beneficiary | Priberam Informática, S.A.


Approval date | 9-Apr-2018

Start date | 4-Jul-2018

End date | 30-Nov-2019


Total eligible cost | 273.552,87 EUR

European Union financial support | ERDF – 109.421,15 EUR