

Choose your API

For unique business needs empower your own solution with Priberam’s semantic technologies. Just pick the APIs you need and leverage all the language resources from Priberam, directly from the cloud or on-premises.

Categorize content into a hierarchical taxonomy.

Entity Extraction

Identify persons, places, organizations, dates and other types of entities in texts.

Language Identification

Detect the language of any text with a high accuracy rate.


Check the spelling, grammar and style of a text.

Sentiment Analysis

Identify positive or negative sentiments in a text.


Extract a representative set of sentences from one or more texts.

Benefit from our APIs

Easy integration

Fully documented RESTful APIs including, whenever possible, plugins or templates.

Cloud or on-premises

Decide who hosts what depending on your business case, not on our business model.


As our client you can focus on your business knowing that we’ve got you covered.

Embrace our technologies to make your business grow